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How AEC Firms Can Maximize Savings on Large Format Printing Supplies

HP Pagewide Pro 10000, a recommended printer upgrade for cost-effective large format printing

For Architecture and Engineering (AEC) firms, the cost of large format printing supplies can be a significant expense. Ranging anywhere from a couple hundred dollars per month to well into the tens of thousands. 

 However, a little-known fact could change the game: the model of your large format printer directly influences your printer supply costs. 

Lower-model printers often have higher ink costs, whereas higher-model printers can dramatically reduce these expenses.

For most Architecture Engineering (AEC) firms, this calculation is carefully done by a specialized printing expert during their purchase. But as the firm grows and expands, savings could be missed. 

In this blog post, we’ll review examples of how AEC firms can save big on their large format printing supplies if they were to consult a Plotter Expert about trading in their old printer for a higher model. 

The Impact of Large Format Printer Models on Printer Supplies Costs

The large format printers are designed with efficiency in mind: the more advanced the model, the more cost-effective the printing. 

This means that investing in a higher-model printer can lead to substantial savings on ink and other supplies in the long run.

Understanding the Cost Differences

Let’s break down the potential savings through two scenarios within an average-sized AEC firm, highlighting the difference in large format printing supplies costs between lower and higher-level printer models.

Scenario 1: Lower Model Printer = Higher Large Format Printing Supplies Costs

Let’s say your firm decided to buy the HP Z-series printer, which was the more affordable printer at the time. Every month you print roughly 50K prints overall, which is pretty standard for a medium-sized AEC firm.

Since each type of print has a different ink cost, let’s say your AEC firm did the following volume of prints: 

  • 40% low-density prints (20K prints) 
  • 30% mono line prints (15K prints) 
  • 25% color lines (12.5K prints) 
  • 5% high-density prints (2,500 prints) 

= 50K prints per month 

Let’s calculate a rough monthly investment in your large format printing supplies: 

  • 20K low-density prints x $0.2/print = $4000
  • 15K mono line prints x $0.03/print = $450
  • 12.5K color lines x $0.03/print = $375
  • 2.5K high-density prints x $0.46/print = $1,150 

= $5,975 per month in printing supplies

Scenario 2: Higher Model Printer = Lower Large Format Printing Supplies Costs

Now, let’s say you purchased the Pagewide Pro 10,000 to be more aligned with your printing needs (after speaking to a printing specialist, of course). 

In this scenario, your cost for ink will drop significantly because you went with the higher-level printer. Assuming your printing volume stays the same, here’s the new calculation: 

  • 20K low-density prints x $0.2/print = $4000
  • 15K mono line prints x $0.03/print = $450
  • 12.5K color lines x $0.03/print = $375
  • 2.5K high-density prints x $0.46/print = $1,150 

= $619.50 per month in printing supplies

Switching over to the higher model printer could end up saving this business almost $65,000 per year in print supply costs. This means that in a matter of months, this upgrade will be more than paid for!  

Calculating Your Possible Savings on Large Format Printing Supplies 

Many different AEC firms stand to save a ton of money in their monthly expenses if they were to run this calculation for their firm. 

In the examples above, we’re comparing a top-of-the-line model to a lower-level model for a relatively high printing volume to demonstrate the possibilities. 

Broadly speaking, AEC firms spending around $5,000 monthly on printer supplies (or printing about 10K square feet per month) could see significant savings by upgrading their printers. 

Want to see how much you can save? Make a copy of our Ink Costs Calculator to input your printing volume and see your monthly & annual savings. 

The Added Benefits of Upgrading Your Printer

Upgrading your printer is not just about saving on supplies. Newer models often require less maintenance, use ink more efficiently, and can enhance your team’s productivity by reducing downtime.

Print shops, architecture firms, and engineering firms who bought their printers over 3 years ago now likely have way better printer models they could be using.  

Ask yourself: What could this increase in productivity and efficiency mean for your firm? 

Printer Upgrades We Commonly Recommend

At Steven Enterprises, we understand the true cost of ownership extends beyond the initial purchase. This is why we provide unprecedented value in our comprehensive plotter maintenance & supplies offers post-purchase.

The HP Pagewide series, for instance, offers larger ink cartridges the higher model you buy, resulting in fewer replacements and more savings. For example, the newer inks are coming in 1-5 liter ink cartridges vs. 775ml in the older models. This means the ink cartridge is 5x larger than before, adding up to significant savings if your firm is printing the right volume. 

Get a Free Plotter Consultation with a Printing Expert

Understanding the specific needs and printing volume of your firm is crucial in choosing the right printer model. 

Our printer equipment specialists are here to guide you through this process, ensuring you invest in a printer that not only meets your current needs but also provides significant long-term savings.

Ready to explore how much you could save with a printer upgrade? 

Contact us for a personalized consultation and discover the most cost-effective solutions for your AEC firm.

Either fill out this form or speak to an expert right away by calling 800-491-8785.